AI Is A Vital Part Of A Modern ABM Program

The right solution must include artificial intelligence (AI) in order to give companies three major advantages: personalization, accuracy and efficiency.

From “5 Must Haves To Maximize Account-Based Experiences” on

ABM (account-based marketing) is the practice of identifying prospects which fit your company’s ideal customer profile (ICP) and executing strategic marketing campaigns, personalized to each account.

The methodology of account based marketing can be summed up loosely as “land and expand”, where your goal is to identify decision-makers and influencers within your prospect organizations and turn them into champions for your solution with custom (and high-frequency) marketing and advertising.

Prospecting and personalized marketing is complex and challenging to manage without exceptional technology. AI is particularly well-suited to this task and will, as ABM and AI both reach mainstream saturation, become an irreplaceable asset for modern marketers.

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